Cate's Sitting Room Journal

vol. 2102


Hello, here are some new topics you'll love on | Sitting Room Journal!

The Sitting Room Journal features articles, events, inspiration, and more to help us build a strong community. As a friend, I hope you will get involved and share your thoughts on making the metro Atlanta neighborhood's vitality. Please reach out to me on all these platforms Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Email, to join me in this journey to build our neighborhood's strength.


Too Much House


People always talk about outgrowing their home and needing more space, but sometimes you may look at your home's square footage as a disadvantage rather than a perk. We often forget that the size of our home is a reflection of the stage we are in life.  When you first start, people often get a condo, townhouse, or starter home as a first-time buyer. read more...


Too Much House


Getting Social After Work

Getting Social After Work


Now that life is getting back to normal, as more of us get vaccinated, we are all starting to feel the effects of not being able to socialize with each other. Between this and feeling bogged down by work after an exhausting eight-hour day, it's now time to think about being social again.  Being social allows you to recharge yourself by making social connections when interacting with one another.  Hopefully, in the next few weeks, we all will be able to enjoy socializing again after work and make those connections with people in our community.  read more...


All-Clad Makes You All Glad


Many people are afraid of All-Clad products because many professionals prefer them; however, a few options work that are less intimidating for the novice home chef.  As a home cook user of All-Clad, I was uncertain if they'd work well or if the durability I heard of was dependable the first time I ventured into using their products.  Well, let say that my All-Clad may have outlasted cars, jobs, and friendships.   read more...

All-Clad Makes You Glad


Commercial Bright Idea

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